Introducing Prestonhall: as of 2024 the club’s brand new – and still under construction – large 00 gauge main line layout. Work first began in November 2023 and while it is still under construction the layout was exhibited for the first time at Perth Show in June 2024 meaning this was the fastest our club has ever achieved such an undertaking.

The layout is of a novel design in that it is essentially six layouts in one. Firstly, the total eight scenic boards form two half layouts of 15 feet in length, with one half showing the station and town with the other showing a countryside scene. These will combine to form a 30 feet S-shaped layout when fully assembled. Secondly, the layout can be set in either the steam era or the present day as the buildings and roads are at a higher level on their own separate boards that are interchangeable to suit the chosen era. At present, we are working on the station and town half in the steam era which was first exhibited at Perth Exhibition in June 2024. Construction of the countryside half will begin at a later date.
Phase One November and December 2023: initial plans and cardboard mock-ups all drawn up by Stephen Taylor were presented with full scale plans of the boards set out on the floor.

The scenic boards were then built, cork sheeting glued down, and track placed in position.

Phase Two of Prestonhall’s construction, March 2024: Stephen Taylor brought in his fantastic buildings that he had been modelling at home on their respective scenery boards. Featuring a town hall and church both with towering spires; and a hotel re-named ‘The Crown & Anchor’ to fit the steam era. We were all very impressed!

Phase Three of Prestonhall’s construction, April and May 2024: laying of the scenery and track well underway.

The track layout consists of a double track main line on the outside, two bay platforms in the middle for terminating local passenger trains, and a through goods line on the inside.

The considerable electrical wiring also began at this time along with construction of the fiddle yard boards.

The fiddle yard (where the trains are stored in between runs along the scenic boards) consists of twelve through lines plus six sidings.

The first train ran at this time with the honour being fulfilled by our Chairman’s class 08 diesel shunter.

Phase Four of Prestonhall’s construction, early June 2024: electrical wiring is finally completed to allow basic operation.

More fantastic buildings by Stephen Taylor arrived, including the infamous Lundin Links Hotel.

Transportation boxes (or coffins as we like to call them!) are custom built for the scenery boards.