Our club is not just about building models; it’s also about building friendships and fostering a sense of community among fellow railway enthusiasts. Share your knowledge, learn new techniques, and connect with others who share your love for everything model trains.

If you are just starting out or have an engine in need of some love, we are here for some friendly help and advice. We currently focus on N and OO gauge layouts and cater for both Analog/ DC and DCC running. There is a workshop and test tracks available for use.

There is always a layout setup ready for running trains and plenty of tea and biscuits – so come along and share our passion.
Model Rail Scotland February 2024
We are exhibiting again this year at Model Rail Scotland in Glasgow. Please come along to our stand and say hello – ask for Dave 🙂

New Members
Visitors and new members are always welcome at the club. Children should be accompanied and supported by an adult. Why not drop in for a visit to our clubrooms for a chat and a cup of coffee?
There is no obligation to join but if you do decide to become a member you can become as much or as little involved as you wish.
Come and be a part of our Model Railway club, where the joy of trains knows no bounds!
Meeting times
The club meets on Tuesday and Friday nights from approximately 7pm, with members and visitors both free and welcome to arrive at whatever time after 7pm is convenient.
How to find us
Find us with What3Words: ///gained.noises.clash
Find us with Google maps:
Our club rooms are located between the Balbirnie Fitness Centre and the Glenrothes Martial Arts Centre. Look for the large red garage door beside a yellow grit box.

There is car parking available beside the Balbirnie Fitness Centre or at the end of Woolmill road just beyond the Glenrothes Martial Arts Centre. Please be considerate of others and patient when the road is congested.