This layout was the smallest in the club – measuring 12′ x 2′ – and depicted a small Paper Mill goods yard with a Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) operated passenger branch line passing in the background. The layout was set in a fictional Fife location.
The story behind this layout was that Balbirnie Paper Mill is situated alongside the Rothes Branch line and – because of its limited storage sidings – is served by a regular goods service. Pulp, coal and starch are the most common deliveries by rail and the finished goods are despatched in enclosed vans.
Balbirnie Mill was unique in our club in being operated using Kadee couplings, which are ideal for shunting layouts such as this. The passenger branch line operated independently with three Diesel Multiple Units using an automatic shuttle.
The layout also featured a variety of cameo scenes typical of a factory (or mill) environment.
Immediately following our May 2022 exhibition the layout was sold to Kris Baillie (a former member of our club), with its last exhibition with our club being the Cupar Model Railway Exhibition in July 2022.
A wider selection of photos can be viewed in the Photo Gallery.